Timing Belt Chain Repair Replacement

engine timing belt

MINI Timing Belt and Chain Repair and Replacement

If your car starts to have a strange ticking noise coming from the engine or refuses to turn over and start at all, it’s could be an issue with your timing belt and it’s probably time to have your car looked at by one of the MINI technicians at the Dreyer and Reinbold MINI service center.

You can depend on an accurate and comprehensive inspection that will diagnose any issues caused by the timing belt or any other engine component and be performed by a team of MINI technicians that truly specialize in the MINI Hardtop, Countryman and Clubman.

What to Expect

The timing belt is a critical component of your engine and if it has completely failed, your car won’t be able to turn over and start. You can get a hint that your MINI’s timing belt might be failing by paying attention to any ticking noises coming from you engine, engines misfires and the engine refusing to even turn over. You might even see oil leaking from in front of the motor.

The timing belt gets a ton of strain on it as the car runs, so it’s not uncommon to see wear accumulate over the years and miles until it finally fails. When it fails, there is likely to be damage to other parts of the engine, so to keep you car running safely and efficiently, you need to get a professional diagnosis by our team of MINI specialist and get a timing belt replacement before a total failure.

Service Expectations

When our team of MINI service pros start working on repairing or replacing your timing belt, you can be sure that your car is in great hands with a team of MINI experts.

Contact our MINI team to schedule your timing belt service today! Make sure that your car stays safe and running great mile after mile!



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